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The large wine fairs remain essential for the sector. And Vinitaly no. 55 is “fully booked”

The no. 1 fair of Italian wine is held from April 2 to 5. With over 4,000 companies in the pavilions and top foreign buyers expected to increase
The major wine fairs that cannot be missed. And Vinitaly no. 55 is “fully booked”

Wine fairs evolve and multiply. However, the sector must be present in large numbers at major events, which are now almost like “regulated holidays” based on individual strategic choices. And it also applies to Vinitaly, the main event of Italian wine, taking place from 2 to 5 April 2023, in Verona, with an edition n. 55, with all the spaces “sold out”, fully booked, as communicates Veronafiere, and “ready to become the largest international business-to-business center of Italian wine and beyond, with more than 4,000 companies representing all Made in Italy and from over 30 countries (data updated to March 2nd, ed)”, in an appointment that remains central to Italian wine (such as other countries’ exhibitions as Vinexpo Wine Paris, staged in February, Prowein, which will take place in Dusseldorf from 19 to 21 March, while in Italy it has already been celebrated at the Slow Wine Fair, with a focus on small producers, at BolognaFiere, where the Fivi Mercato dei Vignaioli Indipendenti will also be on stage, scheduled from 25 to 27 November. While during the same month, from the 18th to the 20th of November, the new “Fiera dei Vini” will debut in Piacenza (born right after the decision of the Vignaioli Indipendenti to transfer their event to Bologna, ed).
“We have defined the selection of the top buyers who will be at the fair a few days after the end of the extraordinary Vinitaly roadshow in nine countries on three continents, organized in collaboration with the ICE-Agenzia together with the international network of our foreign delegates - explains the president of Veronafiere, Federico Bricolo - in this moment of great changes, between challenges and opportunities, Vinitaly remains a global promotional brand, capable of generating new outlets. Indeed, during the 13 stages between Europe, America, and Asia, we witnessed firsthand the additional potential in both consolidated and emerging markets. A potential - concludes Bricolo - that we are making available to companies starting from this edition, with the aim of completing the mapping of new importers and qualified operators by 2024. An effort and an important and necessary investment to ensure competitiveness in the sector”.
“Listening to Italian companies, added Veronafiere CEO Maurizio Danese, was critical for the launch of the next Vinitaly. It is no coincidence that the leading countries in the roadshow are also among our exhibitors’ top ten market objectives. Along with the decision to increasingly preside over Asia: China, Japan, South Korea, but also Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and others account for 20% of Italian wine companies’ next international targets. An emerging market that, along with China, will mark the great return to Verona, thanks to a selection of more than 100 top buyers from Dragon country, including horeca groups, major importers, and e-commerce players. However, the qualitative and quantitative evolution of foreign demand will undoubtedly affect all outlet and emerging markets, from the United States to Canada, and from South Korea via the Old Continent to South America, with top buyers expected to increase by 40% by 2022”.
For a Vinitaly that focuses on business while also providing excellent communication opportunities. “Vinitaly is a mega spot for Italian wine, according to Veronafiere, with nearly 4 billion viewers generated in the media in Italy and abroad during the key week. An intangible return on indirect promotion that also includes the other two concurrent exhibitions in Verona - Enolitech, with Vinitaly Design and Sol & Agrifood, with B/Open and Xcellent Beers - bringing the total exhibition to over 4,400 companies”.
The fair will be traditionally preceded on Saturday, April 1 by “Vinitaly – OperaWine”, a prologue tasting with the 130 standard-bearer producers chosen by “Wine Spectator” (with Alison Napjus, the signature of the American magazine, which, in this video, explained to WineNews the value of the event and the selection criteria of the cellars).
While the main thematic areas (Vinitaly Bio, International wine hall, Vinitaly Mixology, and Micro Mega Wines curated by wine writer Ian d’Agata) are confirmed for the trade show schedule, the Taste & Buy matching, with operators selected from the trade fair network in collaboration with the protection consortia, and express tasting with the most important international magazines in the sector, are not. Over 70 tastings are scheduled to date in the official Vinitaly calendar (currently being updated). Among these are the walk-around tasting of Gambero Rosso’s Tre Bicchieri 2023 (Sunday, April 2) and the Orange Wine Festival (3 April), which will see the presence of top companies from ten countries, as well as Vinitaly Tasting - The DoctorWine Selection, edited by Daniele Cernilli (April 2 and 3), conceived for buyers and horeca operators, and at the focus of Young to Young, or young wineries tell themselves to young communicators. Space also for the Compositions: the International packaging competition - Vinitaly Design returns on March 22nd, rewarding the best packaging for trends, design, and innovation in wines, spirits, liqueurs, beer, and extra virgin olive oil, followed by 5 StarsWines The Book and Wine Without Walls awards given to companies that invest in product quality improvement. Furthermore, the distinction between trade fair operators and wine lovers remains: Vinitaly & the city is dedicated to the latter, with an itinerary of wine talks, tastings, exhibitions, and off-show events in the city’s most iconic locations, a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Piazza dei Signori, Old Market Courtyard and Courtyard Courtyard). For a Verona which, with Vinitaly, returns to be the capital of Italian wine.

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