Join forces, create a system and program (where possible) the future. This is a common thought, more so in times of crisis where rule number one is not squandering resources. It is in this context that the "Dialogues” project with a platform that will monitor all issues related to the wine world debuted at the Merano Wine Festival. Following the "manifesto" created with contributions of 10 big names in the wine industry, including producers, academics, journalists and "merchants" like Riccardo Illy, Oscar Farinetti, Ian D'Agata, Roberto Cipresso, Attilio Scienza, Giuseppe Meregalli, Paolo Marchi, Joe Bastianich, Marco Pozzali, Domenico Zonin and Helmut Kocher.
The Manifesto is divided into the following 5 points: territories, returning every single element (production, history, communication) to the center of the chain; alliances, to be developed throughout the supply chain; a single Public organization for Italy and Europe; exports, to continue developing, streamline operations and share strategies among companies, organizations and nations; an international forum on wine, allowing Italy to be at the center of the global debate on wine and its supply chain. All of these points should be put into practice immediately, starting in 2014. And, in view of Expo 2015, where wine will be in the spotlight with its ability to show the best of what Italy can do, not only from the point of view of product quality, but also sustainability and respect for the environment.
Thanks also to the " Wine and Oil Pavilion" that the Minister of Agriculture De Girolamo requested. As the Minister told Wine News, the Pavilion will be managed by the Ministry and a "committee of wise men", while Verona Fiere (that together with Vinitaly and Fieragricola is leader in the field) will have the role of "operations and protagonist," De Girolamo reiterated. The reference to a possible "Milan-Verona axis " is related to Veronafiere’s recent proposal, to set up the Pavilion at Expo 2015, utilizing its organization and necessary financial resources.
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