Which are the top brands of Italian wine? Les Crêtes (Valle d’Aosta), Gaja (Piedmont), Cà del Bosco (Lombardy), Elena Walch (Alto Adige), San Leonardo Estate (Trentino), Vie di Romans (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Anselmi (Veneto), Giacomelli (Liguria), San Patrignano (Emilia Romagna), Antinori (Tuscany), Caprai (Umbria), Garofoli (Marche), Falesco (Lazio), Masciarelli (Abruzzo), Di Majo Norante (Molise), Feudi di San Gregorio (Campania), Leone De Castris (Puglia) Paternoster (Basilicata), Librandi (Calabria), Tasca d’Almerita (Sicily) and Argiolas (Sardinia). These are the top 21 Italian wineries chosen in a survey by wine enthusiasts from all over Italy and crowned with the “2011 Company of the Year Awards” sponsored by the Italian Sommeliers Association, Ais magazine Bibenda and “Duemilavini”, the most widely read guide in Italy, headed by Franco Ricci. Winenews published a sneak preview of the winners. This year these awards are replacing the “Oscars of Wine”, which will, however, return in 2012.
A picture of Italian wine, taken by a survey of readers of the magazine and guide as well as “inexperienced” consumers that identifies, region by region, the most loved and the most in-tune with the canons of quality of wine lovers all over Italy. Bibenda crowned 21 companies with its “Company of the Year Awards 2011” (this year replacing the now historic “Oscars of Wine” that have been awarded since 1999), in honor of the magazine led by Franco Maria Ricci, the year 2011 - the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and consumers, called personally to express their valuable opinions.
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