Wine has torn down cultural barriers. Wine lovers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the entire UAE will now be able to attend the WSET, Wine & Spirit Education Trust, courses, which is the largest institute in the world dedicated to wine and spirits training. It was created in England in 1969, and today offers courses in 70 countries and 19 different languages, to tens of thousands of enthusiasts - the newest addition is wine fans from the Arab Emirates.
Up until now, the courses were reserved solely for professionals in the wine world wine. WSET has decided to open up to a wider audience (and less specialized) both because of the increasing interest of Arab wine markets and because the United Arab Emirates will host Expo 2020 and will need to offer world visitors a unique and complete experience, so it's impossible to cut out the myriad of wine lovers around the globe.
According to WSET, this step should be "very beneficial for the hospitality industry" in the Arab Emirates, since studies show the hotels, restaurants and bars that have formed their staff through the WSET courses "have found significant returns on their investment".
Starting October 20th, one can enroll in WSET Level 1 Award in Wines and Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits, held by Lindsay Trivers, a wine expert who has over 15 years of experience.
“The demand for training on wine and spirits is growing”, said Ian Harris, executive director of WSET. “The number of WSET global candidates has increased 19% in the academic year 2016/17 (+78% in Italy, ed.). As a world leader in wine and spirits education, we strive to offer qualifications in all markets that demonstrate the potential and desire to increase knowledge of wine and spirits”.
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