Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Trentodoc is still growing: the turnover of the “mountain bubbles” at 180 million euros

In 2022 demand at +7%, thanks to Italy, the USA and Asia. Data from the Osservatorio Istituto Trento Doc, led by Enrico Zanoni
The president of the Trentodoc Enrico Zanoni

In a national context where all Italian sparkling wines are growing and driving consumption and exports, with over 1 billion bottles produced, with Prosecco (Doc and Docg) and Asti leading the way, the Trentodoc’s “mountain bubbles” are no exception. Which, despite Covid, experienced further growth in 2022, with demand increasing by 7%, 13 million bottles sold, and a total turnover of around 180 million euros, following the surge recorded in the two-year period 2020-2021. The Italian market, along with the American and Asian markets, is driving growth. Among the types preferred by consumers, the “Millesimé” are on the rise, reaching 12%. “The data shows the excellent state of health of the Trentodoc production, which continues to expand its path on the national market first of all, and finds more and more space on the foreign market”, says the president of the Istituto Trentodoc, Enrico Zanoni (who is also the CEO of the Cavit Trentino wine cooperative, also signed by Altemasi, one of the important and great names of the denomination, ed).

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