Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Uiv and FederBio together for the protection of the environment, through the organic

The two organizations announce a partnership, focusing on certifications for organic wine, and the conservation of biodiversity
The enhancement of organic and biodynamic viticulture

To protect and improve the environment, focusing on the quality and authenticity of the wine produced in Italy with organic and biodynamic methods, regulated and certified, supporting the internationalization of Italian companies in the wine sector, but also preserving and increasing plant biodiversity, through the optimization of the Made in Italy food: are the basis of the agreement between UIV - Unione Italiana Vini, one of the most representative of the Italian wine scene, led by Ernesto Abbona, head of the historic Piedmontese brand Marchesi di Barolo, and FederBio, a national federation that for over 27 years has protected and enhanced organic and biodynamic agriculture in Italy. The need for a dialogue between the two organizations is related to the data on the trend of organic wine in Italy: in the last eight years organic viticulture has more than doubled, with an increase of +107% from 2011 to 2018, and, with an incidence of 15.8%, Italy is the first country by share of organic vineyards on the total area planted with vines. Moreover, according to Sinab data, organic wines and sparkling wines registered an increase both in terms of turnover, to +38.6% in 2018, and as a share of the total sector with an incidence of 1.4%. In the first 8 months of 2019 sales of organic wine in large-scale distribution reached 35.2 million euros with the exponential growth of 363% over 2016, according to data from the Bio Nomisma Observatory. This is how the partnership between Uiv - Unione Italiana Vini and FederBio was born, to protect and enhance organic market, which has to be considered as the future of agricultural and wine production.

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