Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Usa, still a young market for wine

Mature consumers in a market that is not yet mature. This is the dichotomy that emerges from the Vinitaly-Nomisma Wine Monitor survey
Usa, still a young market for wine

Mature consumers in a market that is not yet mature. This is the dichotomy that emerges from the Vinitaly-Nomisma Wine Monitor survey based on consumption patterns, key purchasing factors, preferences, Italian perception and future trends in wine for 3.000 participating consumers in 5 States (New York, California, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin) and presented today at Vinitaly. Wine consumption is increasing in America - 65% drank it at least once in the last year, thanks to Millennials (69%), the young people between 21 and 35 who represent the top target among consumers, and metropolises (in New York, 71% are wine fans) but the margins of growth are still enormous. “This is demonstrated”, said the general manager of Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani, “in the analysis on the emerging “Mid West” regions, like for instance, Minnesota that in 10 years has increased imports of Made in Italy wine 277%, or Illinois that “stopped” at + 98%”. What should we be targeting, to grow? According to consumers, food-wine pairing (29%) but also Italian style (18%) and narrating wine (18%) as well as the territory (14%, read more here, https://goo. gl/fMzG3j).

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