1600 years of history condensed into a date: March 25, 421, in fact, is universally recognized as the day of the foundation of the city of Venice, as evidenced by the manuscript source of the “Chronicon Altinate” and, in more recent times, Marin Sanudo, who, describing the great fire of Rialto in 1514, wrote in his diaries: “Solum restò in piedi la chiexia di San Giacomo di Rialto, la qual fu la prima chiexia edificata in Venetia dil 421 a dì 25 marzo”. If, therefore, the legend dates back the laying of the first stone of the church of San Giacomo di Rialto (San Giacometto) to this iconic date, March 25, 2021 could only be the ideal opportunity to celebrate, with the whole world, the 1600 years ab urbe condita with a series of official events and manifestations, such as exhibitions, museum tours, conferences and seminars, promoted by organizations, institutions and associations both nationally and globally.
In this way, Venice, world capital of culture and symbol of the Serenissima, will be celebrated in its dimension of a city “of land and water”, with a year of celebrations, until March 25, 2022, with the Consortium of Prosecco Doc, now a historic supporter of the city, confirmed by the City of Venice and the “Official Committee 1600 years of the Foundation of Venice” as an official partner of the event, and bubble of reference for all events related to the first 1600 years of history of the city. From the Salone Nautico to the Redentore, passing through the Regata Storica and the Mostra del Cinema, without forgetting the Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations, Prosecco Doc will always be the protagonist, in an unprecedented international showcase, with two special edition bottles of Prosecco Doc and Prosecco Doc Rosé.
“These are two bottles designed specifically for the 1600th anniversary of Venice, a birthday also celebrated by a special logo inserted in a label that is characterized by both modern elements and classical iconography, demonstrating an international appeal that has long distinguished the close relationship between Prosecco Doc and the lagoon city”, comments Stefano Zanette, president of the Prosecco Doc Consortium. “As a Consortium, on the other hand, we have demonstrated that we have always been very close to the city, not only in its joys but also in its most difficult moments”.
“For the last three years Prosecco Doc has been the official sparkling wine of the city of Venice and, therefore, in a historical and special occasion such as the 1600 years from its foundation we could not but be there”, adds Luca Giavi, director of the Prosecco Doc Consortium. “We are, therefore, really pleased and honored to be able to guarantee, to citizens and tourists, important moments of conviviality thanks to the presence of our wines in the main events already scheduled for this long year of celebrations. In this unforgettable experience we also wanted to have the Consorzio Vini Venezia at our side which, by resuming the graphics for labels studied by our Consorzio for the special editions of Prosecco Doc and Prosecco Doc Rosé, has created for “Venezia 1600” some dedicated bottles of Merlot”. A symbolic union, that of the two Consortia, which underlines once again the strong bond between the production territory of Prosecco Doc and the magic of Venetian streets and canals, as an imperishable memory of the Serenissima.
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