Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Vinitaly: “we promote Italian wine in the world”

“Italian wines coming to Vinitaly are healthy; exports are growing, but are concentrated on few markets”
Giovanni Mantovani, Ceo Veronafiere

“Italian wines coming to Vinitaly are healthy; exports are growing, but are concentrated on few markets, and since the USA, Germany and the UK account for more than half the total, we have a lot of work to do to change this situation. This is one of the reasons Vinitaly is investing more and more not only in foreign events, but also in visitors to the trade fair, where more than 1.000 buyers from 60 countries will be participating this year. Looking especially at our number one market, the United States, we lost our leadership that returned to France in 2017, and we want to get it back as soon as possible”, Giovanni Mantovani, CEO of VeronaFiere (https://goo.gl/qnWSMZ) told WineNews today in Rome, at the presentation of the 52nd edition of Vinitaly, the most important Italian Wine Fair, to be held in Verona April 15th to 18th. The Fair venue is focusing more and more on business, while the fan world is in the city of Verona, including an “out of salon” event, “Vinitaly in the City”, extending to Soave, Valeggio sul Mincio and Bardolino. The spaces the Fair dedicates to foreign wines, the International Wine Hall, as well as the one to organic wines, VinitalyBio, are growing rapidly, “because as a Fair, we must be capable of understanding and anticipating world trends”, like the sustainability of wine, on which Vinitaly will dedicate several conferences. “We have considered all the markets in the world”, explained Mantovani, “but as mentioned, this edition will focus more on the US, including several in-depth discussions at “Opera Wine”, at the inauguration of Vinitaly on April 15th, and more”. We will also talk about the American mass market compared to the Italian one at the traditional conference organized by IRI. The true mission of Vinitaly, though, is the internationalization of Italian wine. “We have to date successfully carried out our mission, strengthening our organization in the recent past, thanks to the Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda’s investment through his plan on the internationalization of Made in Italy. We want to continue doing better in the future, and collaborate more with ICE, because Vinitaly is the true platform to promote Italian wine in the world”.

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