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Vinventions: by 2030 all cork stoppers will be 100% renewable, biodegradable or circular

The giant of wine corks has another goal to achieve in its sights. From 1999 to today, their steps towards sustainability
biodegradable, cork stopper, renewable, SUSTAINABILITY, VINVENTIONS, News
Vinventions, the wine cork giant

By 2030, all Vinventions wine stoppers must be 100% renewable, biodegradable or circular. This is the commitment the cork giant has determined, in compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Today, Vininventions puts cork stoppers on one out of seven bottles of wine around the world. Their cork stoppers are made from recyclable plant materials, Nomacorc, synthetic stoppers (Syntec), natural stoppers (Ohlinger) and screw on caps (Vintop and Alplast). Over the years, Vinventions has continued to place its respect for nature first and foremost, by constantly working on improving the sustainability of its products. In 1999, the first Nomacorc productions actually prevented the food waste derived from millions of bottles of wine that had cork stoppers. Thanks to studies and research, they have been able to provide corks that have uniform features and where there is no presence of Tca, that is, trichloroanisole, the molecule responsible for the flavor and smell of cork in wine.
In 2008, they launched studies on the carbon footprint, realizing the importance of measuring the overall sustainability of companies. In 2013, they launched the complete “Nomacorc Green Line” range using renewable raw materials, a neutral carbon footprint and a complete set of actual wine oxygen management tools. Since 2015, they have engaged in important International partnership initiatives for recycling, following the principles of the circular economy, as Eataly, for example, also did in Italy.
“We are developing innovations for raw materials and circular solutions”, explained Antonino La Placa, the Vinventions Italy commercial director, “to improve the environmental profile of our products and to help wine be more and more sustainable. We are proud of the research and innovative solutions we have been offering on the market since 1999. We are sincerely committed between now and 2030 to make Vinventions a leader in sustainability”.

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