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“Vips” like to produce Prosecco. And after Cara Delevigne and Bruno Vespa, Elton John may join them

Wine2Wine by Vinitaly: the indiscretion, relaunched by the President of Veneto Luca Zaia, in the Assoenologi Congress
Elton John as possible Prosecco producer? (Photo: Ernst Vikne)

The Prosecco boom also conquers VIPs, not only as passionate consumers, but also as producers. And now, among the big names on the international scene, it is rumored that none other than Sir Elton John, one of the sacred monsters of world music (recent Oscar winner for best original song for “Rocketman”), could be the next big name to become, in some way, producer of the most famous Italian bubbles in the world. Gossip circulated in local and musical circles in recent weeks (Radio Montecarlo reports of a visit of the singer in the hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, UNESCO World Heritage), and relaunched today, by the Congress Assoenologi, in the framework of Wine2Wine (the business forum of Vinitaly & Veronafiere), by the Governor of Veneto Luca Zaia.
“Ours is a successful territory and a successful wine, whose existence is due to the work of many winegrowers who in unsuspicious times have broken their backs, because here, especially in the Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, there is heroic viticulture. Today we are pleased with this success - said Luca Zaia - as long as they imitate us in the world, which is a problem of course, it also means that we are a strong brand. And we welcome well-known personalities who can become new ambassadors of our wines”.
The reference, also made in the presence of “colleague” president Massimiliano Fedriga, at the helm of Friuli Venezia Giulia (another region where Prosecco is produced and which “hosts” the hamlet of Prosecco, recalled Fedriga, who was fundamental as a geographical anchor for the protection of the Denomination), is also to Bruno Vespa, journalist and winemaker in Puglia, with the Vespa Vignaioli, and which, as he himself recalled in the Congress of Italian Oenologists, will now also produce Prosecco Docg (directed by his friend and oenologist Riccardo Cotarella, Vespa rented a hectare from Giancarlo Moretti Polegato, at the helm of the Villa Sandi brand, as Vespa himself told WineNews last summer).
A trend, that of “VIP” producers, which, therefore, could now focus on Prosecco. Already official, as reported by Winenews, that the very popular English supermodel Cara Delevingne, who, with her sisters Poppy and Chloe, has launched her Prosecco brand, in collaboration with Foss Marai, the estate owned by the Biasiotto family.
And it is no mystery that even one of the most beloved Italian football players in the world, and already a restaurateur between Milan and Los Angeles, as the Juventus flag and World Champion with the National team, Alex Del Piero, is thinking about producing wine, as he himself explained to the magazine “La Cucina Italiana” in the past: “I am fascinated by the process of creating wine, which combines many skills, from the knowledge of a specific terroir to that of the grape varieties, up to the processes of fermentation and aging. For some years now I have owned a farm of 25 hectares on the hills of Conegliano and I am thinking of creating my own label”. Maybe to toast together with his friend Elton John, one of the favorite artists of “Pinturicchio”, known in Australia, in the years of his football season among the ranks of Sydney FC ...

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