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Wine and export, without Usa (at risk duties) no growth. Unione Italiana Vini analysis

Lamberto Frescobaldi: “60% of export in 5 markets. Diversification is fundamental. Say yes to Mercosur Agreement, and to no-alcohol wines”

In this historical phase of wine market, with all the countries coping with difficulties, mainly with still wines, the Usa, with its importance in the consumption and import, became even more central. And for this reason, the duties promised by Trump scare many European productions, because loosing quota in the Usa, today more than ever, would means to set at zero or nearly the weak growth of values. Even if, for Italy, the hope is that, if duties on wine are introduced, Italy would remain immune, as already happened during the first mandate of Trump. In any case, “the announced duties of the Usa risk to aggravate an already difficult circumstance, if market is not diversified, and mainly commercial closure policies are pursued. For this reason, Unione Italiana Vini – Uiv firmly supports Mercosur Agreement, and shares the “green light” of Italy to no-alcohol wines, a niche which can, anyway, open the doors to new targets and countries”, said president Uiv Lamberto Frescobaldi, opening the jobs of the last national Council 2024 of the association of reference for the sector. “60% of Italian export – added Frescobaldi – focused on 5 markets, with Usa that, alone, is worth a fourth of our expeditions: we can’t close also towards markets such as Brazil and Latin America, that due to cultural roods could amplify our commercial horizons”. According to a focus by Uiv Observatory, presented today, Italy would be the most exposed European supply country in case of new additional Usa duties. From the analysis of the imports of the first 9 months of this year, it emerges, therefore, how the Usa is today the “commercial crutch” of Italian sales (+4.4% in the period), with a demand that contributed to limit the drop in values of expeditions to 11 top buyer countries at -1.5%. Considering Usa market, the drop would raise to -4.9%. The effect on France is less traumatic, which would pass from the current -7.3% to -8.5%. International trade, wine and health, no-alcohol wines, new Eu politics are the themes coped by the association, which supplied the data of its representativeness. Uiv members are 812, that overall express a turnover of 10.6 billion euros, if also Anformabe (machinery and products for winemaking) subscribers are considered. Also Agivi young people are increasing, counting at this point 134 members (+10% only in the last year).

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