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Wine Business Forum: these are the keys to the future of Italian wine

Internationalization, marketing, commerce, digital: the requests of the supply chain, led by Silvana Ballotta, to the Minister Teresa Bellanova

If the central themes for internationalization were the development of a “Brand Italia”, the difficulty of moving organically as a country in an increasingly competitive global market and the need for a real task force that is personally committed to creating “best practices”, compared to finance and credit, it is essential to point out that the current generational change and “mindset” brings with it new possibilities for financing and credit companies: from this point of view it will be necessary to find solutions capable of approaching the micro and macro, with complementary finance. On innovation, a subject often in the spotlight, the lack of culture among entrepreneurs is immediately highlighted, especially as regards the need for the sector to recognize the consumer as a strategic link for the affirmation of sustainability. The table on trade and trade protection, on the other hand, focused on more technical issues but crucial for making a difference at the international level: simplification and digitization - with tools such as the blockchain - are the key words and, also and above all in this sector, creating a system has to be the reference model for the sector. Finally comes the turn of the digital transformation, an inevitable process, but we must all row in the same direction, remembering that, from now on, the center is always the consumer with his renewed ability to choose and consume. These are the guidelines and requests that the world of Italian wine will present, with a document shared by the main professionals and managers of the sector, to the Minister of Agricultural Policies Teresa Bellanova, emerged from the "Wine Business Forum", the meeting among wine, internationalization, marketing, trade, innovation, sustainability and digital, with over 100 top managers of wine, producers and experts, edited by Silvana Ballotta, CEO of Business Strategies, on stage at the Milano Wine Week, which focused the spotlight on the most current aspects and the most debated issues of the sector.

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