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Wine & export, Italy is falling back but not over the first 7 months of 2020: values at -2.6%

Istat data, analyzed by WineNews. Positive markets such as Germany, Canada and France, a negative balance in the USA and UK
Wine & export, Italy is falling back but not over the first 7 months of 2020

Italian wine is falling back, but not falling in world markets, despite international tensions and the pandemic: according to Istat data, analyzed by WineNews, wine shipments in Italy, in value, between January and July 2020, reached a value of 3.51 billion euros, with a loss of -2.6% over the same period of 2019 (when they reached 3.6 billion).
A percentage change, however, better on the survey both in the first 5 months of 2020 (when there was a -4%) and in the first half (-3.4%).
Despite the understandable and motivated concerns about the future scenario, not only for the end of the year, which is the central moment of wine consumption worldwide, but also because of the increasing impact of Covid and containment measures on the markets, so far the overall economic data indicates substantial stability of the system, albeit on negative ground, at least abroad.
In detail, according to Istat data on some of the main markets, markets such as Germany (617 million euros in the first 7 months of 2020 compared to 612 million euros in 2019), Canada (189 out of 186 million euros) and France (127 out of 123) are in “active”. On the other hand, key markets such as the United States (€872 million compared to €859 million in 2019) and the United Kingdom (down to €374 million compared to €412 million in 2019), but also Switzerland (€204 million out of 216 million) and Russia (€49 million in 2020 out of €56 million in 2019) and China (€45 million out of €74 million in 2019) are down in the period.

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