It’s called “Wine in Moderation” and it is the first example of a united project to promote more responsible wine consumption to preserve its cultural and economic role in society, and the entire Italian and European wine production chain has agreed to participate. Through informational and educational campaigns geared towards and adapted to each EU member country’s needs, an initiative is being created to promote the culture of moderation.
The project, launched in Brussels by the European Agriculture Commissioner, Mariann Fischer Boel, has been organized by the Genius consortium which is made up of Veronafiere, Federvini, and Unione Italiana Vini.
“The wine sector is often divided” – explained Andrea Sartori, president of the Unione Italiana Vini – “but this argument is a call for responsibility that must be responded to”. According to Federvini president, Pietro Mastroberardino, it is important to promote this campaign, “by also taking the contribution of the Mediterranean food culture outside of its national boundaries”.
The Italian cooperative appeared united for this appointment, which will also include the participation of Copa Cogeca, the European confederation of European cooperatives. The organization’s president, Paolo Bruni, noted: “We are in the front lines for these types of initiatives. It is not with repression that positive results are achieved, we are contrary to demonizing initiatives”.
Neither demonizing, nor criminalizing, pleaded CIA, the Italian Farmer’s Confederation, whose president, Giuseppe Politi, considers responsible drinking, “the winning tool on international markets. In a bottle of wine there are contents of a cultural, alimentary, and social nature that must be passed on to potential clients with the correct message”.
The fact that the initiative has been agreed upon by the entire sector has also received a positive response from the Italian agricultural union, Coldiretti. President of the Coldiretti Veneto chapter, Giorgio Piazza, commented: “Drinking wine in a responsible way is an important message to transmit to all consumers”.
And, finally, vice president of Confagricoltura, Antonio Borsetti, commented positively as well: “This is the right path to take. It is important to spend well the funds that have been made available by the EU”.
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