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Wine Paris study: The French discover they are open to the wines of the world, first of all Italian

A survey on the fair that debuts in Paris. Favorite foreign wines are Italian, say 43% of French consumers
Wine Paris studio: The French are open to the world's wines, first and foremost Italians

Wine Paris study: The French have discovered they are open to the wines of the world, first of all Italians
France, often referred to as “Chauvinist”, even when it comes to wine, now finds that it is open to the wines of the world. And the most beloved foreign wines are, first of all, the Italians. These are the results of a study by Wine Paris, the first edition of the new Wine Fair that will debut in the French capital from February 11th to 13th. The study revealed that not only do 86% of the French drink wine, and 56% drink it regularly (at least once a week, ed.), but also that, although the majority of preferences are for national wines, 57% of consumers love to drink even “foreign” wines, especially those who live in larger cities, as they recognize the quality of the different productions around the world. Starting right in Paris, the city that “ça va sans dire” drinks more foreign wines (58% of Parisians do), and where the favorite is Italian wine (43%).

It is an interesting aspect, since one of the top priorities for 87% of the French in purchasing wine is the country of origin, equal also to the territory of origin and the price.
The most loved and well-known wines in France are the Italians, which are the first choice for 46% of consumers, followed by Spain (35%) and Chile (15%), and then South Africa, Argentina, Australia, USA, and Germany.

There are some interesting results linked to geographical positions. In Corsica, for instance, the percentage of those who prefer Italian wines increases to 63%, and in Occitane or New Acquitaine, Spanish wine lovers rise to 54%.

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