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Wine territories are entering the market thanks to companies. Like Seggiano, on the Amiata

In the village famous for artist Daniel Spoerri’s Garden (EatArt), Elisabetta Gnudi Angelini and Eredi Fuligni arrive from nearby Montalcino
Seggiano as seen from Daniel Spoerri’s Garden (ph: Daniel Spoerri Garden Foundation)

To make wine territories (and not only) great, you need businesses that invest in them, investigate and enhance their potential, and make them known to the world. And so, perhaps, it could also be for Seggiano, a village of Etruscan origin on the slopes of Mount Amiata. A land where wine has already been produced, for some time, with wineries such as Castello di Potentino (purchased and restored in 2000 by the English Greene family, the same as the famous writer Graham Greene, after the sale of Castello di Montepò, in Maremma, to Jacopo Biondi Santi, ed.), and where producers from other territories are also investing, starting with the not-so-far-away Montalcino. And so, in the municipality of Seggiano, already famous for one of the most beautiful art parks in the world, the Garden of the Romanian/French artist Daniel Spoerri, dedicated to Eat Art, of which he is the founder, with sculptural works by artists from all over the world, now two top-notch realities from nearby Montalcino, the land of Brunello, have invested. Namely Elisabetta Gnudi Angelini, among the most important entrepreneurs in Italian wine and Tuscany (leading a Group that puts together more than 300 hectares of vineyards, with the winery of Borgo Scopeto, in Chianti Classico, La Doga delle Clavule in Morellino di Scansano, and the historic estates of Caparzo and Altesino in the Brunello territory of Montalcino), who took over a property with 50 hectares of land, and Eredi Fuligni, one of Montalcino’s historic wineries, owned by the Fuligni family and led together with managing director Daniela Perino. Two different, and independent, projects starting practically from scratch, but with the curious peculiarity of being on neighboring land.
“It is a project that needs to be completely invented”, Elisabetta Gnudi Angelini explains, to WineNews, “to be raised almost from scratch, and it is also a bet on the future, looking also at climate change. It is a property of more than 40 hectares, 35 of which are vineyardable, with altitudes ranging from 500 to 730 meters. The idea also came thinking of Etna, whose white wines I personally love most of all. After all, Amiata is our volcano, extinguished relatively recently, and it has fantastic soils. The idea is to make mainly a great white wine, but for now nothing is defined, we are doing some tests, also working with agronomists who have experience in Alto Adige and Friuli. We will try as I respond to the higher altitudes Sauvignon Blanc, which I like very much, but also Riesling or a Pinot Noir to be vinified in white, why not. While on the 550 meters we will plant Sangiovese, which when it comes to reds for me is the variety par excellence. We will start with 7-8 hectares, hopefully as early as this fall, to get to 10-15 hectares next year, and then we will see. The first wines maybe will come in 2027, but everything is to be evaluated. But it is a project in which I believe a lot, as in all those in which I have invested, we will have important results”. And, of course, there will also be a focus on high-level hospitality, which is one of the group’s assets: “certainly this is also a goal”, Elisabetta Gnudi Angelini confirms, “because these territories are beautiful, and perhaps a tourist offer in line with this beauty is still not there. But we haven’t even chosen the name of the company yet. Which, however, will begin with “e”, since chance has it that all the other companies I have bought, to date, are Altesino, Borgo Scopeto, Caparzo and Doga delle Clavule, or a, b, c, d”.
Eredi Fuligni’s project also starts practically from scratch, and from the first rocks, as sole director Daniela Perino explains, “We decided to make an investment, in this place called, Borgo Titena, which has fascinating natural characteristics: great light, and altitudes between 580 and 600 meters. We will plant Sangiovese, at least initially, more or less 6 hectares, to look for a different beauty of the expressions of this vine, compared to those of Montalcino. We did not arrive here by chance, advised by the head of agronomy Simone Bacconi, who comes from these areas and knows the territory well. It is a project that starts from the beauty of the place, and from the belief that, from such beautiful places, you can make beautiful wines”.

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