As rumors circulating in recent days have it, and also as WineNews has reported, Zonin1821will have a new partner. In an official note, the winery, led by the brothers Domenico, Francesco and Michele Zonin, has confirmed “the corporate operation to support international growth”.
“The operation is under way and will be officially announced once it has been finalized. No sale of shares in the company, the shareholder will enter with a capital increase aimed at strengthening the capital to finance the important international growth plan of the wine-making house”.
The note also explained in detail “Zonin1821 is considering a series of proposals for an investor to whom reserve a capital increase with financial resources input to support the important growth plan as well as the international development of the Group”.
Zonin1821, which in 2017 announced its ambitious wine project, "Dos Almas” in Chile, now aims to expand and consolidate its presence on foreign markets, where 85% of the Group’s production value is concentrated. This operation is in line with the best practices in the wine world, where openness to external capital is essential to seize important opportunities in a rapidly changing market.
The partner involved in this operation, as the company explained, will come in with a minority stake in Zonin1821, chaired by Domenico Zonin, managed by the brothers and Vice Presidents Francesco and Michele and the Chief Executive Officer, Massimo Tuzzi. The Zonin family will not be transferring any company shares.
The management of the company for the last 10 years has been entrusted to the brothers Domenico, Francesco and Michele, and has registered a growth in turnover from 70 to 201 million euros. The 2017 budget closed with 4.2% increase of the production value compared to 193 million euros in 2016.
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