SMS Barolo Vigna Rocche Riserva 2001 by Bruno Giacosa is one of the best performing fine wines 23 Dicembre 2019
Report Less wine but more value, sustainability increasingly important: 2020 for Wine Intelligence 23 Dicembre 2019
First Page Creating value with cohesion and responsibility in the supply chain: Prosecco at Champagne lesson 24 Dicembre 2019
Focus Langhe, down production (-10%), up bottled Barolo (+9%), Barbaresco (+9%) and Langhe (+14) 20 Dicembre 2019
Wine & Food The Mondodelvino business plan: 15 million euros aimed at technological and productive development 19 Dicembre 2019
For the Record In the wine lists of restaurants in London, Antinori brand is the most present, Barolo is the third denomination 20 Dicembre 2019