Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

100% of the Barbanera family companies go to Italian Wine Brands for 41.99 million euros

With a 6.95% share, the historic Cetona company joins the group led by Alessandro Mutinelli, reinvesting 26.31 million euros

Italian Wine Brands, the first non-cooperative Italian wine group, with a potential turnover of over 400 million euros, is still growing, with the purchase, made official today, of 100% of the companies of the Barbanera family (Barbanera and Fossalto), a historic family company founded in the seventies of the twentieth century in Cetona by the brothers Marco and Paolo Barbanera, active today in the vinification, production, and sales of wines in the premium segment, with the labels of the Duca Di Saragnano, Barbanera and Collezione Famiglia Barbanera lines, between Tuscany, Puglia, and Sicily, among which stand out the Nobile and Rosso di Montepulciano. As it is explained in the press release issued yesterday evening by the company, the deal was closed on the basis of a total equity value of 41.99 million euros, which will be paid by Italian Wine Brands on the closing date, scheduled for 31 December 2022. The operation also foresees that the holding companies of the Barbanera family reinvest 26.31 million euros in Italian Wine Brands, through the subscription of 657,906 ordinary shares: in this way, the Barbanera family will come to hold a stake equal to 6.95% of the Group’s share capital, with Sofia Barbanera, current sales manager for Europe and the USA of Barbanera, who, after the closing, will join the board of directors of Italian Wine Brands.
This is a highly strategic operation for the Group, led by Alessandro Mutinelli,
because after establishing roots with production, vinification, and bottling cellars in Piedmont, Veneto, and Puglia, it now ensures the completion of the offer through the acquisition of a historic Tuscan-produced winery (which closed 2021 with a consolidated turnover of 38.7 million euros, of which over 90% came from international markets, up from 33.3 million euros in 2020), owner of a portfolio of premium wines/brands that can be distributed globally through its sales channels. Furthermore, as part of the same operation, Italian Wine Brands will ensure the sourcing of high-quality raw materials by signing an exclusive and long-term supply contract with Le Forconate, a farm owned by the Barbanera family that spans 33 hectares.
“Barbanera is a Tuscan company, that has grown steadily in recent years, thanks to product innovation in the premium range and the continuous expansion of its markets. Its wines have received numerous positive reviews and are appreciated by customers all over the world. Italian Wine Brands expands its product and customer portfolio, in line with its vision, of having its own product, with its own brand, everywhere. The Barbanera family, believing in the project and in the value of Italian Wine Brands, reinvests a large part of the proceeds in shares and will continue to work in the company, becoming part of the group’s organization and exploiting all the productive and commercial synergies of Italian Wine Brands. After the wineries in Piedmont, Puglia, Veneto, and the distribution companies in Switzerland, and the USA, today we add the company in Tuscany: these are the most important Italian regions on the international market, and Italian Wine Brands cover them all. Seven years have passed since the establishment of Italian Wine Brands: this is the seventh company to join the group, thanks to the work, determination, competence, and resilience of all the people of Italian Wine Brands, to whom goes my personal thanks for this new result obtained”, comments Alessandro Mutinelli, president and CEO of Italian Wine Brands.

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