Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Prosecco, 100.00 euros to re-launch the image of Venice, “bent” by high water

Tourists, struck by the images of the November tide, flee from the lagoon, the bubbles remain at the side of the Lion of San Marco
The lagoon of Venice

The high water, with which Venice has practically always dealt with, to which part of the undisputed charm of the lagoon city is linked, risks proving to be an even bigger problem than the damage caused by the exceptional tide of November 12, so much so that 4 out of 10 bookings are canceled by tourists for the Christmas holidays, frightened by the forecasts and images that have been traveling around the world for weeks. Prosecco, the bubbly symbol of the Veneto, remains at Venice’s side, and has decided to donate the sum of 100,000 euros to the city, in support of the communication initiatives that the city of Venice is proposing in these days in order to relaunch the image towards tourists, starting with the toast of New Year’s Eve, a toast that will be launched from San Marco Basin to the rest of the world.
“Venice - comments the President of the Prosecco Doc Consortium, Stefano Zanette - represents us with its beauty in the world and with our support we want to contribute to giving back to the city the joy of an effervescent Christmas period harmonized with the brio of our bubbles. It is a support to help it overcome the wounds of a moral rather than material nature. As happened a year ago on the occasion of the damage caused by the storm “Vaia” on the Veneto mountains - continues Zanette - we want to testify once again our closeness and our willingness to all the territory in which we operate and of which we feel spiritually inserted, with our products of excellence, among the first representatives”.

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