Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

In the time of coronavirus and turned off stoves, some restaurant decides to open its cellar

Several reports of premises that allow you to buy large bottles with shipment home
The closed restaurants sell the wine they have in the cellar

Maybe even in quarantine, it makes you want to open a big bottle. And, why not, of an old vintage, tied to a particular memory. A rare bottle, which you can hardly find, even searching among the many e-commerce portals, which, these days, are experiencing a real boom. A bottle of those, in short, which are usually found in the cellars of some important restaurant. And maybe a phone call or an email to your trusted restaurateur can be the solution. Because, in these days, some restaurant, with room and kitchen closed for the “lockdown”, is starting to open its cellar, putting on sale, with shipment home, some special bottles of its selection. Maybe a Costa Russi 1983 by Gaja, for example, or a Sassicaia 1999 Tenuta San Guido, passing through a Trebbiano 2006 by Masciarelli, or a Giulio Ferrari Collezione 1997 by Ferrari, just to give a few examples among the reports we have received. An idea to evaluate, these days, not to give up the pleasure of uncorking a few rarities, and give a little support to a restaurant that, at every level, is brought to its knees by the pandemic.

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