Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Wine and tv, here the mini-series “Shadows in the Vineyard”, with Noah Wyle and Judith Light

Like Maximillian Potter’s book, it will tell the true story of the blackmail against the myth of Burgundy Romanée-Conti of 2010

In early 2010, Aubert de Villaine, co-owner of the myth of Burgundy Romanée-Conti, received a series of anonymous letters asking for a ransom of 1 million euros, on penalty of poisoning from the roots of the world’s most prestigious vineyards. A true story, which lasted only a few months, since, in a short time, the police arrested the author of the letters and the diabolical plan, Jacques Soltys, who was later convicted of suicide in prison, awaiting trial. A story that has already become a book, “Shadows in the Vineyard”, by journalist Maximillian Potter, and now ready to become a mini TV series. It will be produced ( the work should start in early 2021) by Landmark Studio Group and District 33, protagonists (and co-producers) famous actors such as Noah Wyle and Judith Light.

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