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In February, in Italian cellars 59.4 million hectoliters of wine, 3.2% less than in January

Winery Italy: wine stocks increase compared to February 2020: +3,6%. 9.9% of PDO or PGI wine is Prosecco. In Veneto one liter out of four
Wine stocks in Italian cellars

At the end of February 2021, in Italian cellars, there were 59.4 million hectoliters of wine, 6.3 million hectoliters of musts and 311,299 hectoliters of new wine still in fermentation, which means an increase in stocks of 3.6% for wines and a reduction of 5.1% for musts compared to February 2020. On January 31, 2021, on the other hand, there is a 3.2% reduction in stocks for wines and an 8.9% reduction for musts. 57.3% of wine is stored in northern regions, mainly in Veneto, 50.3% of the total is of Protected Designation of Origin, 27.5% of Protected Geographical Indication, varietal wines represent just 1.3% of the total, and 20.9% is represented by other wines. Stocks of wines with Geographical Indication are particularly concentrated: 20 appellations contribute to 58.9% of total stocks. Thus the report “Cantina Italia” of February 2021, signed ICQRF - Ispettorato Centrale Repressione Frodi (Central Inspectorate for Fraud Repression) and Ministry of Agricultural Policies. On January 2021, both stocks of PDO wines (-3.2%) and PGI wines (-2.9%), varietal (-2.8%) and table wines (-3.4%) dropped.
As said, 57.3% of wine in Italy is held in the northern regions. In Veneto alone is present 24.3% of national wine (14.4 million hectoliters), mainly concentrated in the provinces of Treviso (9.9%) and Verona (9%). Behind, Emilia Romagna, with 12.6% of the stocks (7.6 million hectoliters), Apulia (10.5%, equal to 6.2 million hectoliters), Tuscany (10%, 5.9 million hectoliters), Piedmont (7.6%, 4.5 million hectoliters), Sicily (6.9%, 4.1 million hectoliters) and Abruzzo (6%, 3.5 million hectoliters). 50.3% of the wine held is PDO, with a prevalence of red (50.9%), 27.5% is PGI, also in this case with a prevalence of red (54.4%), while varietal wines held represent just 1.3% of the total, and the remaining 20.9% is made of other wines. On a regional basis, wineries of Veneto hold 27.3% of PDO and PGI wines, those of Tuscany 12%, those of Apulia 8.8%, those of Emilia Romagna 8%, those of Sicily 7.6% and those of Piedmont 7.4%.
9.6% of PDO and PGI wine in Italian cellars is Prosecco (4.4 million hectoliters), 5% is Puglia Igp (2.3 million hectoliters), 3.9% is Sicilia Doc (1.8 million hectoliters), 3.9% is Terre Siciliane Igp (1.8 million hectoliters), 3.7% is Toscana Igp (1, 7 million hectoliters), 3.6% is Veneto Igp (1.7 million hectoliters), 3.5% is Montepulciano d'Abruzzo (1.6 million hectoliters), 3.3% is Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie (1.5 million hectoliters), 3% is Chianti (1.4 million hectoliters), 1.9% is Chianti Classico (872. 000 hectoliters), 1.7% is Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore (805,000 hectoliters), 1.3% is Franciacorta (613,000 hectoliters), and another 1.3% is Barolo (582,000 hectoliters). As for musts, finally, the majority is held in the Regions of Northern (47%) and Southern (43%) Italy. The first two Regions holding musts are Apulia (41%) and Emilia Romagna (21.3%).

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