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Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Sace 25 million euros to Italian Wine Brands bonds

The subscription will last 6 years and will support the development of a company that in 2020 has matured consolidated revenues worth 204.3 million eu
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Sace 25 million euros in bonds to Italian Wine Brands

Italian wine has been in deep crisis because of the Covid-19 health Pandemic, but it is growing again, as the many private and public investments in the sector, over the last few months, have confirmed. The most recent, in chronological order, is the one announced by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (deposits and loans fund), together with Sace (insurance and financial services), who have signed a 25 million euros bond loan offered by Italian Wine Brands, one of the few Italian companies listed on the AIM stock exchange. The entire operation was organized and managed by the Borsa Italiana (Italian stock exchange), and also on the Irish Stock Exchange. The bond issued and intended for institutional and retail investors, has a total nominal amount of up to 130 million euros and it has a duration of 6 years.

Italian Wine Brands was founded in 2015. The company was created through the aggregation of several Italian wineries, and today it is one of the leading Italian multi-brand and multi-channel groups in the wine sector. In 2020, the company generated consolidated revenues for 204.3 million euros of which they achieved over 80% on International markets. IWB has grown organically through the creation, development and distribution of proprietary brands, as well as through Merger & Acquisition operations.

The financial resources that Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has made available and Sace has guaranteed, will be used to support the Italian Wine Brands Group in pursuing its growth strategy through the acquisition of other wineries operating in Italy and on International markets. Alessandro Mutinelli, Chairman of the Board of Italian Wine Brand’s Board of Directors, declared, “we are proud that Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Sace wanted to invest in the first issued bond by subscribing to the bond offer. We are pleased to find that Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Sace are focused and well prepared interlocutors. They have profound knowledge of the dynamics of the Italian wine supply chain, which, included Italian Wine Brands’ industrial project and its role as a reference point for the consolidation process of the Italian wine sector, so that our country can compete efficiently and in the long term, on International markets”.

The Cassa Depositi e Prestiti investment, which has been concluded just after the investment with the UniCredit Bank, for a total of 21 million euros to three of the top names in the Italian wine world, such as, Pasqua, Feudi di San Gregorio and Masi, debuts the project, “Basket Bond di Filiera” https://winenews.it/it/cassa-depositi-e-prestiti-e-unicredit-investono-nel-vino-con-pasqua-feudi-san-gregorio-e-masi_438774/.

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