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WineNews: 120,070 followers on social media between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube

The growth of our digital “ecosystem” of daily information continues, with the world of wine at its center
WineNews: 120,070 followers on social media

In times when everything travels more and more on social media, we can only be pleased with the growth of WineNews, even on these channels: reached 120,070 followers, with a boom between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Youtube. A great goal for WineNews, 21 years after the website went online, with 2,939,000 users in 2020, +151% compared to 2019.
“Twenty-one years of online work, born from an intuition that led to the founding of WineNews on the threshold of the new Millennium, and which has evolved over time by different means and following their innovation, and, aspect now become an integral part of our digital “ecosystem” of daily information (of wine but also with news and reports on food and wine, cuisine, catering, agriculture, wine tourism) entering the world of social networks. The content we produce, with great attention to the substance but also to the form, in terms of images and videos, will be declined on these networks now and increasingly so in the future”, explains the director Alessandro Regoli. With the aim of WineNews that remains that of telling the story of a world that has changed shape, interest and protagonists, but that is still beautiful, made up of stories, people and companies capable of telling the best of our country”.
The registration on Facebook dates back to April 2018, where 59,358 followers have been reached today, followed, in August 2019 by the opening of the Instagram profile, the youngest of the social networks, which has 38,814 followers. A social universe, completed by Twitter, now a veteran, with its 21,898 followers, alongside the video channel on YouTube.
An important goal, the one of more than 120,000 followers, after a difficult period, which prevented us for a while to do our job as we want, telling about wines and producers, tasting them and meeting them in their territories, but also made of positive numbers that are not the point of arrival, but a new springboard towards new challenges to be taken up.

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