Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

75% of La Monacesca to the Luciana Mosconi pasta factory: the aim an agri-food pole of Marche

The brand of Verdicchio di Matelica (33 hectares and 100,000 bottles produced) to the pasta group, the patron Aldo Cifola remains at the helm

The Luciana Mosconi Group, which oversees the entire universe of pasta, enters the national and international wine market through the front door: the brand, with two pasta factories, one in Matelica and the other in Ancona, takes over 75% of Cantina La Monacesca, a player in the Marche region which has 56 hectares (33 of which are dedicated to wine production) and two wineries, one in Matelica and the other in Porto Potenza Picena, with a potential of over 100,000 bottles. The productions, of very high quality and refinement, are mainly characterized by the treasures of Matelica’s terroir: Verdicchio Doc and Verdicchio Riserva Docg. Over the years, the winery, led by owner Aldo Cifola, has achieved the goal of elevating the positioning of La Monacesca especially thanks to the flagship wine “Mirum”, born in 1988 and produced only in the best vintages, which has gained a respectable position in the Marche region’s wine scene, recognized worldwide.
The operation, coordinated by Lorenzo Tersi of LT Wine&Food Advisory, as advisor to La Monacesca,
is the happy conclusion of a long and very confidential path of acquaintance, sustained, from the beginning, by a profound strategic affinity between two players who have made premium positioning their distinctive feature. Luciana Mosconi exports to over 30 countries and is the Italian leader in the positioning of excellence in dry egg pasta, while La Monacesca is the icon and benchmark of Verdicchio di Matelica, and not only, in Italy and around the world. A fundamental point of the agreement is that the current ownership, represented by Aldo Cifola, visionary leader and pioneer of Verdicchio, will maintain 25% of the company shares and the agricultural-productive management of the winery, as a guarantee of continuity. With this investment, Pastificio Luciana Mosconi, led by the Pennazzi Family and the Bartocci-Mosconi Family, consolidates its bond with the territory, a trait that has always characterized it since its foundation, and expands its presence in the agro-food industry, in a strategic global sector such as the wine sector.
The shared intent is to grow the brand image and the distribution strength of La Monacesca, in Italy and abroad, in order to keep up with the dynamism and the multifaceted expectations of the international wine market. The entry of Pastificio Luciana Mosconi into La Monacesca, at the same time, strengthens the commercial potential of the Matelica winery and enriches both companies with complementary skills and know-how, while respecting their mutual identities. A synergic project that aims at the creation of a multibrand agri-food pole made in Marche, strictly characterized by the positioning of excellence in a perspective of national and international growth.
“I am very happy with this operation on which I have worked personally and with our consultants for over a year. I found Aldo Cifola to be a competent person with very high human values, and our entire company is proud to work alongside him in the development of La Monacesca”, comments Marcello Pennazzi, CEO of Pastificio Luciana Mosconi. “The time had come for our company to identify a high-level partnership in order to create the conditions for growth, while always maintaining the focus on the absolute quality of our products. I must say that the meeting with the Pennazzi family has been decisive in this sense, for their personal qualities and for the esteem they have always shown me. I am certain we will obtain great results together”, adds Aldo Cifola, owner of La Monacesca.

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