Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The 10 “Suns” of the Veronelli Seminary - from the Aosta Valley to Sicily

The guide, “I Vini di Veronelli 2022” awards the best “stories in wine form”, representing competence, creativity and commitment, from

The ten “Suns”- Valle d’Aosta Chambave Muscat Flétri 2019 by La Vrille, Monferrato Rosso 1491 2015 by Castello di Ualti, Oltrepò Pavese Riesling Superiore Vigna Martina Le Fleur 2019 by Isimbarda, Zero Infinito Perpetuo by Pojer & Sandri, Collio Pinot Grigio Riserva Mongris 2017 by Marco Felluga, Maremma Toscana Sangiovese Acrobata 2015 by Pian del Crognolo, Serra Petrona Rosso Morò 2018 by Fontezoppa, Fonte Grotta Secco Moscato Colline Pescaresi 2020 by Tenuta Secolo IX, Etna Rosso Riserva Saeculare 2012 by I Custodi delle Vigne dell’Etna and the Zhabib Terre Siciliane Zibibbo Passito 2020 by Hibiscus were assigned to as many “stories in wine form “, representing the competence, creativity and commitment of Italian producers. The editorial staff of the guide, “I Vini di Veronelli 2022”, commented that the latest edition is “the most extensive and rich in content over the last decade”, The Luigi Veronelli Permanent Seminar, “Gold Guide” dedicated to the father of Italian food criticism, curated by Andrea Alpi, Gigi Brozzoni, Marco Magnoli and Alessandra Piubello, was unveiled recently in Mantua, in the Renaissance rooms of Palazzo Te (here all the “Three Gold Stars” of the “I Vini di Veronelli 2022” Guide).

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