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Wine and investments are “open”, a trend that works. And the eWibe platform is growing more than expected

The results for 2022 have already been achieved by the service that opens the investment in fine wine to everyone. In 2023, a collection round of 1 million euros
Edoardo Maria Lamacchia, with Monfortino, one of the kings of Italian investment wines

In a context of great uncertainty in the financial markets, with the main indices having recorded losses between -20 and -30 since the beginning of the year, the wine market went against the current, growing by more than +10% (data on September 30, 2022) and consolidating a positive and uncorrelated trend, which has made it to earn about +140% in the last 10 years. According, at least, to the results of eWibe, the live market of fine wines, which closes the first quarter of full operation in advance by reaching the objectives set for the end of 2022 and starts the second round of financing.
In detail, eWibe now has over 3,000 subscribers: a significant figure, considering that the platform was made accessible to all users only in the last quarter (July-September 2022), at the end of the first phase of the beta version operation, launched in April. Another significant data concerns the catalog’s offering of fine wines, which has steadily increased since the company’s inception: the number of bottles on the eWibe market has increased from 500 to approximately 2,000, for a value that has increased from 200,000 to 1 million euros, a figure that the company aimed to reach only by the end of 2022. Not just numbers: eWibe is constantly renewed with the aim of offering a user experience that is always of the latest generation accompanied by new services, such as consultancy, designed to inform and assist those who want to learn about the fine wine market.
Strengthened by the results already achieved, eWibe aims to complete the second round of capital raising worth 1 million euros by the first quarter of 2023. The new resources that will derive from the second round, which follows the initial one that closed at the end of 2021 for 500,000 euros, will be used for the development of new features of the platform, including the creation of the eWibe app, to expand the offer in the catalog and to introduce new educational services. Finally, they will be put at the service of the international growth plan to expand into the main European markets. “We are very glad to have reached in advance the objectives we set for the end of the year - says Edoardo Maria Lamacchia, founder, and CEO of eWibe - the results confirm that alternative assets such as wine are increasingly at the center of the interest not only of enthusiasts but also of investors who are approaching this market.
In the context of the great uncertainty of the financial markets, with the main indices which from the beginning registered losses between 20 and 30%, the wine market went against the trend, growing by more than 10% and consolidating a positive and uncorrelated trend which has made him earn about 140% in the last 10 years. This market, which together with that of fine spirits, is worth about 80 billion dollars globally, was traditionally closed and reserved only for collectors and professionals: eWibe was born to open it to everyone, offering not only a trading platform, but also services to support those who want to learn about this market. We will continue to work in this direction, constantly enriching the offer and services, in line with our development path. At the same time, in the coming months, we will launch the international growth plan, strengthened by the new resources that we are preparing to collect thanks to the support of all those who have already trusted us and of the new investors who will believe in eWibe”.
The service consists of three pillars: a Hub that brings together a trading information and training platform and warehouse deposit services. A few months after its creation, eWibe has already received important awards and recognition: ICE, the Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalization of Italian companies, has included eWibe in its “Pool of Excellence”. At “We Make Future”, the largest digital innovation festival dedicated to startups, the company won the “Startup Stage” public award. eWibe was selected by the Italian Tech Week among the best 30 early-stage startups, also receiving the 2031 Award. Finally, the company participates in the EY Startup Academy Italy.

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