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Italian wine exports hit another record (nearing 8 billion euros) and sparkling wines, too

In 2022, the value of Italian bubbles abroad could be more than 2 billion euros (Coldiretti estimates from ISTAT data)
Italian sparkling wines approaching a record 2 billion euros in exports

Coldiretti, the federation of Italian farmers, has estimated that in 2022 Italian wine exports, in general, barring last-minute surprises, will reach a record 8 billion euros. In addition, for the first time, sales of Italian sparkling wine abroad will reach more than 2 billion euros in value. The Coldiretti estimate has shown that, by the end of the year, Italian bubbles will reach a historical record of sales abroad. Further, ISTAT, the Italian statistics institute, has registered a growth trend of + 23% in the first 9 months of 2022 (compared to 2021) . “In Italy, sparkling wines rank as one of the indispensable purchases for holiday shopping, abroad”, Coldiretti emphasized, “ but this year so many Italian bubbles have never before been requested. The number of bottles, marking +9% growth, clearly dominate the global toast, ahead of Champagne, which, however, still manages to command higher prices”.
Beyond National borders, Coldiretti continued, the most passionate consumers are Americans, who have spent 13% more on Italian bubbles in 2022, in the USA. Following the US market, in second place, the British, who evidently have not been discouraged by Brexit, as sales were up + 27% in the United Kingdom. Values are lower in Germany, which however, registered +14% in value. “Italian sparkling wine”, COLDIRETTI added, “is also very popular in Putin's Country, as Russia registered + 9% increase, in spite of tensions caused by the war”.
Prosecco is ranked among the favorite Italian bubbles all around the world, and it is by far the best-selling sparkling wine. Asti and Franciacorta, instead, are now challenging the prestigious French Champagne, on equal footing. As a matter of fact, Coldiretti specified, “they have registered a record growth in sales, at + 32% precisely on the French market, which thus puts us in fourth place among the main customers”. Coldiretti also emphasized, however, that increases in direct or indirect production costs, due to high energy costs, weigh heavily on the success of Italian bubbles around the world. For instance, prices for fertilizers in vineyards have increased up to +170% , whereas in wineries, glass bottles cost up to 70% more than in 2021. Plus, prices of caps, wire hoods, labels and packaging cartons have also increased from 35% to 45%, according to the Coldiretti analysis.

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