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Italian and European wine call for action through the “VITÆVINO” campaign

The campaign was launched in Italy, at the Ministry of Agriculture. All the leaders of the supply chain and Minister Lollobrigida signed the declaration

The European campaign in favor of the VITÆVINO Declaration is a grassroots movement to protect wine and its cultural, environmental and social values. The campaign was recently announced in and then launched in Italy, following its introduction in Spain, as WineNews has reported. It supports “acknowledging responsible and moderate consumption of wine as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle”. The campaign has been promoted at the continental level by the following wine sector organizations: Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins (CEEV); Confédération Européenne des Vignerons Indépendants (CEVI); United voice of farmers and agri-cooperatives in the EU, COPA-COGECA; European Federation of Origin Wines (EFOW), and includes events in Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Spain. These are the eight countries that have joined the European initiative aimed at concretely defending the millenary culture of wine, by signing the declaration on the website The Italian campaign was launched in Rome during a conference at the Ministry of Agriculture, in which all of the Italian wine organizations participated and signed the declaration. The first person to sign was the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, then followed Albiera Antinori, president of the Federvini Wine Group, Rita Babini, secretary of the Italian Federation of Independent Winemakers (FIVI); Tommaso Battista, president of agriculture producers, COPAGRI; Riccardo Cotarella, president of Assoenologi, Cristiano Fini, president of CIA - Italian Farmers, Lamberto Frescobaldi, president of the Italian Wine Union (UIV), Giangiacomo Gallarati Scotti Bonaldi, president of the consortiums for the protection of Italian wine denominations, FEDERDOC, Massimiliano Giansanti, president of Confagricoltura (and COPA), Ettore Prandini, president of Coldiretti, and Luca Rigotti, Alleanza Cooperative Agroalimentari (and president of COGECA).
“Since pressure from neo-prohibitionist movements worldwide has been growing”, they explained at the conference, “the VITÆVINO Declaration was formulated to counteract the growing stigmatization of wine consumption that is often driven by incomplete or distorted scientific data, which fail to distinguish between alcohol abuse and moderate wine consumption. Minister Francesco Lollobrigida also spoke about this “crusade”, observing that “wine must be analyzed without prejudice, and above all, without being influenced by demonization campaigns that often come from many interests that do not benefit Italy or, in my opinion, health”. The Minister emphasized the importance of viticulture to protect and safeguard the environment, and he defined wine as “an excellent product, a Made in Italy jewel that must be protected”. “We are second to none when it comes to wine”, Lollobrigida added, “which we demonstrated at the G7 meeting in Syracuse”. Albiera Antinori, president of Gruppo Vini Federvini, observed that “this campaign is important for the wine world and Europe, which must defend itself from the hostility that comes especially from Northern countries. We have brought together ten Associations of the wine sector, the most important ones in Italy, and each one has contributed its own ideas to the initiative that we have signed”. Lamberto Frescobaldi, president of Unione Italiana Vini (UIV), underlined that the “meaning of this campaign is defense, culture, territory, and lifestyles. We are living in a globalized world, and there are cultures that have tended to dilute, rather, I would say water down, what our fundamental principle is regarding wine; that is, balance”.
“We want to reiterate the importance of our work and everything it brings with it; in other words, quality, territory, production, and we also want to create a wine culture”, Luca Rigotti, coordinator of the wine sector Alleanza Cooperative Agroalimentari added, “a culture of moderate, conscious drinking as well as a culture of knowledge of the product and the territory”. Riccardo Cotarella, president of Assoenologi, emphasized the importance of better communication, “our commitment as oenologists is to communicate our heritage of values”, he said, “wine is history, culture, passion and love. Grapes tell the story of the territory, its history, civilization, culture and traditions”. “Our sector must be protected and it must be protected by thoroughly communicating all of its characteristics. From this table”, Giangiacomo Gallarati Scotti Bonaldi, president of Federdoc added, “we will address the various problems that wine is dealing with in a more positive way”. Rita Babini, secretary of FIVI - Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti (federation of independent winemakers), stressed that wine “has an active role in protecting the territory and landscape. The territory is better protected and safer where there are winemakers. Wine tourism also conveys the cultural values of moderate and conscious consumption. The winemaker who receives visitors helps the occasional visitor to become a true wine tourist”.
“We must fight the prohibitionist campaign against wine”, Tommaso Battista, president of COPAGRI, observed, “wine is an economically important sector of the agri-food sector, in terms of employment as well, so we must work more on communication to support consumption”. Cristiano Fini, president of CIA- Agricoltori Italiani, also stressed the link between viticulture and territory and the value of environmental sustainability, not to be separated from economic sustainability, which must guide the work of farmers and winemakers in the face of the climate change challenge, “where TEA (new genomic techniques) can play a useful and important role”. According to Ettore Prandini, president of Coldiretti, correct information is needed about wine, “and therefore a correct information campaign at the Institutional level is essential. Wine and danger to health have been demonized, although even scientists have denied it, and we must therefore emphasize this”. Massimiliano Giansanti, president of Confagricoltura and newly appointed president of COPA, underlined that wine is part of our culture. “Viticulture is an important sector that we must protect by first of all communicating all the values that wine represents”.
The supply chain organizations explained in a joint note that the viticulture sector is strategically important for the National economy, and especially for the agri-food sector. In terms of exports, Italy registered +188% growth in the period 2003-2023, reaching 22% global market share last year, and value at just under 8 billion euros. “Wine is tradition and culture. Wine, which is a cornerstone of culture, over the centuries has transformed from a nutritional element to a social ritual. Wine promotes environmental sustainability and social cohesion. Vineyards and wine-growing landscapes symbolize the close interaction between man and nature from generation to generation, and they have been acknowledged by UNESCO an integral part of our tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Wine is moderation. Wine, enjoyed in moderation, can be part of a moderate, balanced and healthy lifestyle. Wine embodies culture, pleasure, taste, community and promotes conviviality, manifested in the act of sharing. Embracing moderate wine consumption is an integral part of the art of living in many cultures. Wine is community and sustainability.
The principal points of the Declaration underlying the “VITÆVINO” campaign are the fundamental pillars of the socio-economic importance of vineyards, viticultural agricultural practices and wine production in rural areas. The wine sector is crucial to protect the environment, territories and rural communities”. The Declaration underlines that wine, when consumed in moderation, plays a legitimate role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and should not be confused with alcohol abuse. “This distinction is crucial because misinformation threatens not only the wine sector but also the communities it supports”.
Wine workers, wine lovers and supporters across Europe and beyond, are encouraged to show their support by signing the “VITÆVINO” Declaration”, explained a note released at the launch of the campaign. It is essential because “wine is more than just a drink, it is a symbol of Europe’s millennial culture, and has a profound anthropological and historical role in shaping societies. It fosters social bonds, celebrates cultural heritage and contributes significantly to Europe’s rural economy. The Declaration calls on wine enthusiasts, industry professionals and politicians to support wine as a symbol of conviviality, and to acknowledge its socio-economic importance in rural areas”. The Declaration also stresses that wine, when consumed in moderation, plays a legitimate role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and should not be confused with alcohol abuse. “This distinction is crucial because misinformation threatens not only the wine sector, but also the communities it supports. Signing the “VITÆVINO” Declaration gives a voice to those who wish to protect the cultural heritage and economic importance of wine, and ensures that wine will continue to be enjoyed in moderation by future generations”.

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