Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

After Lugana and Amarone, also the Doc delle Venezie has decided to stop the new plants

The registration of Pinot Grigio blocked until 31 July 2022: confirmation that the protection of quality passes through the control of quantities
Stop new vineyards for Doc delle Venezie and Pinot Grigio until 2022

After Lugana and Amarone, another great territory, especially in terms of hectares of vineyards and bottles produced, that of the Doc delle Venezie, has decided to stop the registration of new Pinot Grigio plants until July 31, 2022. This request confirms the need, in order to maintain high quality, to stop the drive towards quantitative growth, put forward by the Consortium in agreement with the trade organisations to which the operators in the wine production chain of the DOC delle Venezie belong, which was welcomed by the three competent public administrations in the production area of the denomination (Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia and Regione Veneto) with their own measures, adopted in accordance with univocal technical-administrative criteria as provided for in the specification. Now close to its third harvest, with a production potential of about 1.6 million hectolitres, the area of the DOC delle Venezie now has a vineyard area of 26,000 hectares, destined to reach 30,000 hectares considering the vineyards already planted and about to enter production and, therefore, excluded from the block.

“The request to suspend for the next three years new claims of Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie plants - comments Albino Armani, president of the Consortium - arises from the need to govern the growth of the denomination that has recorded among the highest rates of development of viticulture in our country in recent years. Together with the supply chain, we wanted to activate a profitable process that, alongside information and promotion initiatives to support the enhancement of the denomination, aims to manage the growth of supply in relation to the evolution of the global demand for Pinot Grigio that finds its area of vocation in the Triveneto area. A measure of government useful for managing contingencies, I want to stress this - concludes Albino Armani - it remains a tactical element for us because our strategic commitment is oriented in other directions aimed at building structural dynamics of product value”.

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