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Alcohol-free wines will also be able to be “organic”: the regulation in the EU Official Journal

Yet another opening on a market segment that is causing debate, but which is growing, and in which even “traditional” wine bigwigs are investing
EU: alcohol-free wines may also be “organic” (photo generated with Ai)

In Italy, the many much-discussed (but tumultuously growing in the world) no-alcohol wines can be produced recently, because the ministerial decree regulating them, enacted in late December 2024, arrived in the Official Gazette a couple of weeks ago. But in any case, at the EU level, now, only with certain dealcolation techniques, no-alcohol wines can also be organic. This is provided for in the EU Commission Delegated Regulation 2025/405 of December 13, 2024 (published in the European Official Journal on February 26, 2025), which amends Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and Council regarding winemaking practices. According to this it is “appropriate to add the use of partial vacuum evaporation and distillation in the Annex ... in order to authorize its use in the production of organic dealcoholised wine, provided that the wine produced has an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 0.5% vol, that the temperature does not exceed 75 degrees centigrade, that the size of the filtration pores is not less than 0.2 micrometers, and that the distillation is carried out under vacuum”.
Beyond the technicalities (text here), a further opening on a segment in which even the big players in “traditional” global wine are investing heavily, such as, one example above all, the Spanish Torres.

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