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And the Oscar goes to…: here is the “Oscar del Vino 2022” by Bibenda & Fondazione Italiana Sommelier

From Valentini to Frescobaldi, from Letrari to Mosnel, from Pellegrino to Dettori, from Tenuta di Fèssina to Masseto and Castello della Sala

“And the Oscar goes to ...” Valentini’s Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 2015 as “Best Red Wine”, and Frescobaldi’s Gorgona Bianco 2020 as “Best White Wine”; the “Best Sparkling Wine” is Letrari”s Trento Brut Riserva del Fondatore 976 2010, the “Best Rosé Wine” is Mosnel”s Franciacorta Pas Dosé Rosé Parosé 2016, and Carlo Pellegrino”s Passito di Pantelleria Nes 2020 is the “Best Wine Dessert”; the award for the “Best Wine of the Best Producer” goes to the Tenores Romangia 2016 by Dettori, and the “Special Jury Prizes” to the Etna Bianco A ‘Puddara 2017 by Tenuta di Fèssina, to the Masseto 2018 by Frescobaldi and to the Muffato della Sala 2010 of the Sala Castle (Antinori). Expected and returned to the scene in Rome, at the Hotel Rome Cavalieri, on 18 June, here are the “Oscars of Wine 2022”, in edition no. 22, signed by Bibenda and the Fondazione Italiana Sommelier (Fis), led by Franco Ricci.
Among the most “sophisticated” and glamorous events of the wine par excellence, born in 1999, in the “Night of the stars” and in the competition that follows the parameters of the Oscar of cinema, complete with an Academy that in the case of wine decides only the nominations, while in this case the Awards are assigned live from the audience of participants - 300, who tasted the nominated wines led by the sommeliers and then voted their favorites live - Bibenda and the Italian Sommelier Foundation have thus elected the winners among 21 wines and 3 oils, with the “Bibenda 2022 Award - Best Evo Oil of the Harvest 2021” to the Leccino Pitted 2021 Evo Oil from Fèlsina and the Colline Pontine 2021 Evo Oil from Cetrone, first classified in equal merit.
To collect the Oscar, the producers themselves, from Lucia Letrari to Lamberto Frescobaldi, from Lucia Barzanò (Mosnel) to Francesco Paolo Valentini and Alessandro Dettori, alongside Benedetto Renda, president of Carlo Pellegrino, Jacopo Maniaci, manager of Tenuta di Fèssina, Gaia Cinnirella, Masseto winemaker, and Massimiliano Pasquini, agronomist of the Castello della Sala.
In nomination, many names of Italian wine such as Sella & Mosca and Kettmeir, from Vigne Marina Coppi to Di Meo, from Venturini Baldini to Cantine Nicosia, from Librandi to Pio Cesare, from Decugnano dei Barbi to Orsolani, from Kellerei Kaltern to Ricasoli. All while waiting for the “International Forum of Wine Culture” n. 15, on 4 July again at the Rome Cavalieri, dedicated to the “Infinite space, eternity of wine. In honor of David Sassoli”.

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