For a company, in any sector, meeting the requirements for listing on the Stock Exchange is a source of prestige, whether or not the listing actually takes place. But it means that the company is solid, has a strong brand, positive economic indicators, and therefore it is desirable for the market. And in this sense, the best realities of wine are, in this order, the historical realities of Tuscany Antinori, of Antinori family, and Frescobaldi, of Frescobaldi family, and Santa Margherita, group led by Marzotto family, among the largest realities, as well as Tenuta San Guido, of Incisa della Rocchetta family, Carpineto, led by Sacchet and Zaccheo families, and Berlucchi, the creature of Ziliani family. All “family-run” realities, all top names, absolute references of Italian wine and their territories, which mark the debut of the wine sector in the “leQUOTABILI20” award of the Pambianco agency, staged via web, from Palazzo Mezzanotte, headquarters of the Italian Stock Exchange.
This analysis aims to identify the Italian companies in the Fashion, Beauty, Design and Wine sectors that have the economic, financial and positioning characteristics to be successfully listed on the Stock Exchange in a time frame of 3/5 years. In addition to the category dedicated to wine, among the novelties of this year there is also the inclusion of the category of small caps (with turnovers below 50 million euros) which are added to the usual rankings dedicated to companies with turnovers above 50 million euros.
The ranking is compiled every year by Pambianco, which takes into consideration the financial statements of unlisted companies in the reference sectors and orders them in a ranking according to the quotability assessment model developed by Pambianco on the basis of the following 8 parameters: growth % (2019-18-17), average ebitda % (2019-18-17), brand awareness, size, export, distribution control, debt and market segment (high, medium, low).
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