Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

“Barolo en primeur”, second edition. The charity auction returns on October 28, 2022, in Alba and New York

On June 7, tasting of the 15 lots of Barolo Vigna Gustava 2021 at Enosis Meraviglia, for selected media (WineNews will be there)

Barolo’s charm is linked to its history, and also to charity, which are the ingredients of the success of the “Barolo en primeur” auction. The charity auction debuted in 2021, upon the initiative of the Barolo Consortium, and the Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo bank, under the wine direction of the Enosis Meraviglia Center, one of the most futuristic centers in Italy, led by the winemaker, Donato Lanati. He sent 15 barriques of Barolo 2020 from fifteen plots of the historic Vigna Gustava that were auctioned by Christie's at the Castle of Grinzane Cavour, which raised over 660.000 euros and totally donated to solidarity projects. Now, preparations are beginning for the 2022 edition, which will take place on October 28, 2022, in Alba, in connection with New York. On June 7th, a small panel of journalists (WineNews will also be there) will meet for a tasting preview of the Barolo 2021 samples, of the 15 lots that will be auctioned "en primeur”. The novelty of this second edition is that several bottles of the topmost Barolo and Barbaresco wine producers will be added to the “catalog”. The bottles will be "dressed" for the occasion with a special label that will be designed by an internationally renowned artist, yet to be revealed.

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