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Chianti Wine Academy: in China to cultivate the culture of Italian wine

In a market still to be developed (in the first 4 months of 2019, exports to 41 million euros), the Consortium, with courses, in the main cities
Chianti Wine Academy: in China to cultivate the culture of Italian wine

China continues to be a small market for Italian wine: the latest data from Istat, say that between January and April 2019 the Belpaese exported wine beyond the great wall for 41.8 million euros (+6.4%). However, many people believe in the potential of this enormous country, which is experiencing an increase in wine consumption. Such as Chianti, one of the largest and most important denominations in Italy, which focuses on the formation and diffusion of the culture of Italian wine in China, with the Chianti Academy of the Chianti Wine Consortium, led by Giovanni Busi, who, in the coming days, will stop in some of the most important cities in the country, with the first appointment in Shenzhen, on August 8 and 9, then in Canton, on August 11 and 12, Beijing, on August 13 and 14, and conclude in Shanghai on August 17 and 18. Appointments dedicated to professionals and operators in the sector (240 participants) who want to know and learn more about the history and culture of the Tuscan wine.
China confirms itself as one of the most important foreign markets for Italian wine,” explains Giovanni Busi, president of the Chianti Wine Consortium, “along with exports, there has also been a growing interest in the history, the tradition and the innovation behind the Denomination. This trend is confirmed by the success of the Academy, a project that is part of the broader strategy of promotion and enhancement of our wine, in a country like China with enormous potential and where you need to be constantly present to gain positions compared to our competitors.
Courses are organized with the support of the organization of Interwine in Guangzhou, one of the leaders of the Chinese exhibition market and for some years partner of the Consortium in promotional activities in China. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of the denomination, the production chain and product protection policies. The students of the Academy will also have the opportunity to deal with very topical issues, such as food pairings, consumption among young people, communication and marketing of the product. Lessons are combined with specific tastings of the 30 different labels of the Consortium representing all existing types. A second session of lessons is scheduled for September, followed by the final exams. Participants in the Academy will thus receive the qualification of “Chianti Wine Expert”, issued by the Chianti Wine Consortium, becoming ambassadors of the famous Tuscan wine in the Land of the Dragon.

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