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Enpaia-Censis: what is the relationship of young people to wine? “Less is better but of quality”

Over the past 30 years, their share of consumers has grown to 53%. The Italian spirit, local wines, organic and sustainable, are the selected criteria

The Enpaia-Censis Report on the agricultural world, “Responsible and quality: young people’s relationship to wine” was presented at “Vinitaly 2022”. The report revealed the trend that wine has been established a strategic product for the Italian economy. There has been a significant increase in its consumers among young people, who still choose to drink responsibly and see “Italianness” as their main criterion of choice because they perceive it as a guarantee of quality. According to the report, in the long term the share of Italians who drink wine is relatively stable (58% in 1993, and 55.5% in 2020), while in the same period of time, the share of young people who drink wine has risen from 48.7% to 53.2%. Instead, those who drink more than half a liter a day have dropped from 3.9% to less than 1%. The survey showed that among young people who consume wine, 70.9% rarely do so, 10.4% one or two glasses a day, while 17.3% only seasonally. 79.9% of the 18 to 34 age group say their relationship to wine comes under the “less is better, but of quality” heading. Furthermore, 70.4% of young people say, “I like to drink wine, but not excessively”, which makes one think of wine as a food that gives pleasure and contributes in different ways to personal well-being, and not as a catalyst only for reckless instincts. Then, the Italian character is a criterion for 79.3% of young people, because they perceive it as a guarantee of quality.
The numbers show that wine consumption is invariable inhabits, it is a significant component of a good diet guided by the pursuit of quality and its role as a multiplier of good relationships. The result of all this is a responsible and mature relationship. The reference to PDO (85.9%) or PGI (85.2%) certifications shows young people are very aware of the connection between wines and territories. This fact signals youth consumption is rediscovering the cultures of local typicality, which seemed bound to disappear.
The local typicality of knowledge and flavors, which is the projection of biodiversity in our territory, is an important compass in the choices of young consumers. And, 94.9% of them have declared that they often buy typical products of our Country’s territories. Product brand, on the other hand, accounts for 36.1% of young people. The evaluation of the traceability of products, including wine, is high - 92% of young people are ready to pay a few extra euros on the base price for products whose biography and characteristics they know. Further, 56.8% of young people are well oriented towards organic wines and appreciate farms that pay attention to environmental sustainability.
The Minister of Tourism, Massimo Garavaglia, said, “the results of the Enpaia-Censis Report are particularly interesting, especially related to the theme of social relations and young people who experience the relationship with wine as a tool for being together. The good lifestyle in Italy is precisely one of the aspects that foreigners envy of our Country. So, it is essential to encourage local marketing to promote wine tourism, taking into account that young people will be future consumers. The challenge is to protect the quality, and at the same time, to encourage all the additional services related to the wine world. Food & wine is one of the essential components of the entire tourist route, consequently, the organization must be improved because excellence alone is no longer enough”. The Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (responsible for wine), Gian Marco Centinaio, said, “we have managed to convey the message in Europe that moderate wine consumption does not create problems and is in our DNA. Therefore, it is not necessary to affix labels. Reports like this one are extremely important, given that the labeling problem will have to be addressed in the upcoming months. In this context, we can certainly afford to say that at this moment promoting the production of Italian wine in the world is more necessary now than ever. When we talk about wine, it is essential to consider that we mean quality, identity and protection of Made in Italy products”. According to Giorgio Piazza, president of the Enpaia Foundation, “it has been established that wine is an important driver for the economy of our country, where there are about 600 grape varieties and over 1500 types of wine. Furthermore, biodiversity is definitely a key element. The wine sector is absolutely prestigious and highly valued, especially by young people, who show particular consideration for organic and quality wine in their consumption choices. Young people drink wine moderately and responsibly, opening up to conviviality and social relations”. Massimiliano Valerii, general manager of Censis, said, “the great majority of young people’s relationship to wine is marked by quality and not by quantity. Wine is the center of significant moments of conviviality in public places and establishments, which all Italians have missed during the health emergency. A mature and responsible relationship with wine, therefore, is an integral part of our lifestyle, which is highly appreciated around the world”.

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