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Fisar’s mission: “Recognition of professional role of sommeliers in Italy”

The goal of the new president of the Italian Federation of Sommeliers Hoteliers and Restaurateurs, Luigi Terzago
Fisar working toward the recognition of the professional role of the sommelier

Many people approach the wine world because of their passion. Then, for many it becomes a job in one of the thousand roles and professional skills that make up the diverse wine sector, where the different professions are looking more and more for institutional and regulatory recognition. This is what happened to the wine merchants of the Professional Italian Wine Merchants Association, which, at the end of 2018, was included in the list of associations that issue a certificate of quality and professional qualification of services provided, published by the Ministry for Economic Development. And, in the future, the sommeliers will be included as well.
Or at least, this is the newly elected president of FISAR, Italian Federation of Sommeliers Hoteliers and Restaurateurs, Luigi Terzago’s goal, who just recently celebrated taking office at the Tenuta di Fiorano, in Rome, and explained, “My mission is to make the sommelier's role recognized in Italy. In a country that is now solidly the number one wine producer in the world, it is not conceivable that this professional role in our sector does not exist.This subject is close to my heart and I would like to carry it forward, hopefully succeeding with the collaboration of relevant political structures”.

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