Five cups of coffee a day may be able to prevent and even cure memory problems caused by Alzheimer’s disease. According to the study by the University of Florida, published by the ‘Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease’, the consumption of 500 milligrams of caffeine, the equivalent of about five cups of coffee a day, helped diminish the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in mice that were used for the study and raised in a way that favored the development of the disease. The coordinator of the study, Dr. Gary Arendash, commented: “The results are particularly exciting because it is difficult to obtain improvements in an already existing state of memory deficiency. It is possible that caffeine not only protects, but “cures” Alzheimer’s. Caffeine is safe for the majority of people, easily penetrates the brain and directly influences, it seems, the formation process of the disease”.
The team of researchers from Florida now hopes to start testing on humans in order to verify whether the results are the same.
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