The Italian food sector is beginning to breathe an atmosphere of optimism, especially due to exports. According to the Italian Federation of Food Industries, Federalimentare, there are evident signs of recovery in the Italian food industry: during the first 8 months of 2010, there has been an increase in production (+2.7%) and, above all, in exports (+9.2% over 7 months). This positive view is confirmed by the Italian Agricultural Research Agency, Ismea, survey that showed the index of confidence in the sector rose 12 points from the previous quarter.
Cold cuts seem to be among our most popular products: in the first half of 2010 ISTAT (the national institute of statistics) data processed by ASSICA, the beef industry, which adheres to Confindustria, (the employers federation) indicated that 53,000 tons of cold cuts were exported (up 14.1%) for a volume of 443.5 million euros (up 12.3%). Wine exports are also on a positive trend: according to the Italian Wine & Food Institute, Italy continues to be the number one exporting country to the United States. From January to August 2010, U.S. imports of Italian wines increased both in quantity and in value, with 1.493.730 hectoliters worth 708.8 million dollars, equivalent to +8.7% in volume and +7.6% in value.
Assoenologi, the association of enologists also confirms that in the first 7 months of 2010 the overall export of Italian wines registered a growth of 4% in volume and 6.9% in value.
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