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From brands that make denominations grow to international investors: Rémi Krug to WineNews

The world icon: those who do something positive for their company bring value to the whole denomination. Foreign investments? A necessity
Rémi Krug, brilliant observer of the world of wine with WineNews

“A denomination is made up of “players”, entrepreneurs, brands, cooperatives. Some people are better than others because they make better wine or sell it better. These realities are positioned as a driving force that pulls the whole denomination. Then some are average and those who are behind. Unfortunately, uniqueness does not exist. Some have more talent and some less. In the same denomination, some companies have created a brand approach detached from the communicative logic of the “appellation”. But these are good because if they are a bit detached, they can pull more. What hinders the name are those who produce bad wine and do not know how to sell it. We can't say if the denomination should exceed the brand or vice versa, we are talking about human beings, talents, and visibility, and consequently, in each denomination, there will be driving forces”. Like the Grand Cru in Bordeaux, or the big brands in Côtes du Rhône, and in the case of Champagne, of course. Here is the version of Rémi Krug, the myth of world enology, invited by the Consorzio Italia del Vino, face to face with WineNews. Already patron of the family Maison icon of Champagne, from 1973 to 2007, the year in which he retired, what he excelled in his working life was to create a brand, now owned by LVMH. Brands in eternal relationship of strength with the denominations, which must be managed, between the importance of creating stronger brands or relying on their hat. He has a very up-to-date vision of the world of wine, which can be seen on the Italian wine scene. In which, from France and beyond, in recent years many foreigners have invested and are investing, just like in Champagne. “In Champagne at first the newcomers were criticized and then after years we saw that things were going well. Champagne absorbs the good, the bad disappears. Without international investors there would be no Bordeaux, they are a necessity. Where there are more means that there is an attractive territory. But above all it does not depend on where the investor comes from, but what he has in mind. If it is an investment to build something, over a period of at least ten years, then it is good for everyone. If you do something positive for your company then you bring value to the whole name. Anyone who does something wrong damages everyone”.

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