"Hymn", one of the Queen of Italian rock, Gianna Nannini’s most recent hits, after accompanying Bersani's campaign in the last Italian election, is now becoming a wine, which is the union of two Sangiovese crus from the Chianti Hills La Certosa. In 2010, with the help of Renzo Cotarella she launched three other wines.
But "Inno" (hymn) is something more, and it will enrich Oscar Farinetti’s “ Vino Libero” ( free wine) project, "because”, said the rock star from Siena, “ this wine is and tells my story, my relationship with the land w I come from, and which gave birth to our culture. Without land we could not express ourselves, there would not even be rock, which draws its energy from the land ".
So, following “Chiostro di Venere”, “Rosso di Clausura” e “Baccano” (also dedicated to one of her biggest musical hits), the new of Nannini’s new wine celebrates not only her homeland but also her personal and family history: "the word "inno" that gives its name to the wine, has a third " n " and is written in my grandfather’s handwriting”, said the rock star, “ because that is the way he wrote “nonno”, so it is a way of remembering and honoring the origins, because my story comes from these stories”.
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