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Growing organic and sustainability. Valoritalia: “in 5 years five times more companies certified organic ”

Focus at Sana, the international exhibition of organic and natural products, from September 6 to 9 in Bologna
Valoritalia: the number of certified organic farms has quintupled

Organic and all that has to do with sustainability in the dish and in the glass have been growing for years, and Italy, according to data from Assobio, is the world leader in organic production at world level: we are the largest producers of citrus fruits in the world (27% of the entire Italian citrus fruit area is organic), the leading European country for olive trees (more than 20% of the national surface area is organic with olive groves), fruit (almost 25,000 hectares, more than 11% of the total surface area) and vegetables (55,000 hectares, almost 11% of the national surface area with vegetables). And in the organic vineyard, only Spain excels: in Italy, there are 105,000 hectares of organic vineyards, out of a total of 660,000. A world trend, that of organic wine, which is becoming less and less exclusive: according to a recent research by International Wine & Spirits Research (Iwsr), in 2022 global sales will reach 87.5 million cases, with an annual growth rate, between 2017 and 2022, of +9.2%, well above the average growth of the sector.
And, at the same time, everything that revolves around organic wine is growing, as confirmed by the numbers of Valoritalia , the leading company in the certification of Italian wine and not only (in 2018 more than 1.5 billion certified bottles for an equivalent value of 6.3 billion euros; 220 controlled denominations, 171 PDO and 49 PGI, equal to 42% of the national total for a share of production that is close to 50%), which last year verified 1.750 companies for organic certification and 1,055 for integrated certification, which will be the protagonist at Sana, the international exhibition of organic and natural products, scheduled from September 6 to 9 in Bologna, where it will present the main assets on which the concept of sustainability is focused: first of all, the environmental one, relating to the ability to maintain the quality and reproducibility of natural resources, followed by the social one, as a guarantee of maintaining conditions of well-being (work practices, consumer protection, community involvement and development, product healthiness) and finally the economic one, seen as the ability to generate income and work.
Because “the effective combination of the choice to produce organic, an effective system of controls and success on the market”, are an intrinsic added value for the entire supply chain and for the made in Italy.
“Valoritalia intends to guarantee companies an increase in the added value of designations and products in general, through the protection of the territory, the landscape and biodiversity - explains the company headed by Giuseppe Liberatore and chaired by Francesco Liantonio - the improvement of social and economic issues and the reduction of climate-changing gases and consumption used in the production cycle. The high skills acquired over the years and the widespread presence on the national territory have allowed the company to enter as a key player in the areas of organic certification, Sqnpi (national quality system of integrated production) and environmental sustainability, offering a guarantee of absolute reliability for every type of food product. In the last 5 years Valoritalia has quintupled the number of certified organic companies and at the same time, it has been selected as a company for certification by most of the Italian companies operating in the Sqnpi. With the Equalitas brand, it also offers today the highest standard of environmental sustainability at the national level. Continuous research, technological innovation, study of territorial solutions are the principles that guide Valoritalia in its participation in European projects on Horizon 2020, IoF2020, innovation projects on regional programs, and experimentations such as group certification ”.

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