Hugh Johnson, renowned senior wine writer, who was columnist for the Uk magazine "Decanter" for years, but also author of books that have become milestones in the wine culture, has decided to donate his work of a lifetime to the University of California at Davis. Included are all of his tasting notes, and there are thousands, and research notes for his book the "World Atlas of Wine", which in the most recent editions has been written together with Master of Wine, Jancis Robinson.
The 1995 "Decanter Man of the Year", gave his lifework to the institution in California during an official ceremony that was held in front of 160 students and wine professionals.
“Hugh Johnson”, explained Axel Borg, professor of Wine and food science at UC Davis, “created the concept of wine in the world, proved the popularity of wine atlases and that one can make a living writing about wine”. The emeritus professor of English, Thomas Pinney, author of "A History of Wine in America", said that Johnson’s contribution will also be a significant experience for the writing process of undergraduates, who can already count on the largest wine library in the world, with 30.000 books, including a collection of manuscripts and maps dating back from 1450 to 1900, as well as texts of the legendary American wine writers Leon D. Adams and Roy Brady.
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