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Hyle Capital Partners has invested in Contri Spumanti, which boasts a turnover of 100 million euros

The “Finance for Food One” fund is supporting the company founded in 1959 and today led by Paolo Contri, who will continue to lead the company
Hyle Capital Partners invests in Contri Spumanti

Following a few months of stagnancy, the financial waters are beginning to move again in the complex wine world. 2021 was a true watershed, as investment funds participated heavily in the capital of Groups such as Botter and Mondodelvino. However, the end of the year “big bang” is the spot-on conclusion to a trend that has now cleared customs, and which gives new life and solidity to the sector. Hyle Capital Partners, an asset management company (SGR) promotes and manages Private Equity funds that invest in the capital of small and medium-sized Italian companies, through its “Finance for Food One” fund. It has now invested in the capital of Contri Spumanti, the company Luciano Contri founded in 1959, and today led by Paolo Contri, who will remain at the helm.
The goal of the Hyle Capital Partners team - Matteo Chieregato (Managing Partner), Francesco Zito (Partner) and Andrea Armienti (Analyst) - is to lead Contri Spumanti into a new growth phase, based on their long time entrepreneurial investment history for development, which they have carried out since the foundation of the company. The key elements of the partnership between Hyle Capital Partners and Paolo Contri are a strong industrial vocation to support growth, a great drive to enhance the Made in Italy product on International markets, and particular attention to production chains, an increasingly distinguishing factor on the market.
The strength of Contri Spumanti and its two companies, one in the province of Verona and the other in the province of Modena, lies in its extensive product portfolio. Their products range from sparkling wines to still wines, as well as including different vines and territories, from Apulia to Veneto, to Emilia Romagna, Sicily, Sardinia and Abruzzi, achieving a turnover that has exceeded the 100 million euros threshold. The merit of this double-digit growth result over the last ten years goes especially to foreign markets, in particular the EU countries, Russia and Asia, where the company invoices more than two thirds of its total turnover.
“We are very happy to be able to support Paolo in an important development project on a market in which we were strongly motivated to invest and which represents one of the main pillars of Made in Italy”, Matteo Chieregato, CEO of Hyle commented. “This new investment”, added Paolo Bordi, president of Hyle, “demonstrates that Hyle is the ideal partner for development projects of Italian medium-sized companies. We are convinced that, in the current market context, it is essential to offer integrated skills to companies to support growth, and in this sense the union between the team led by Matteo Chieregato and Francesco Zito, and the network in the agro-food sector that Hyle can count on are key success factors”. Paolo Contri, CEO of Contri Spumanti, said, “we chose Hyle as a travel companion because we both share the same common values ​​necessary to guide the development of the company in a rapidly expanding and constantly changing market”.

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