It had been in the air for a while, the graphs that summarize the trend of wine exports to China show for months the collapse of France and the impetuous growth of Australia: in the first four months of 2019 wines from beyond the Alps lost the scepter of the most imported, in value, from Beijing, after a drop, yet another, of -31%, with Australian wines that, growing in the same period of +1.3%, become the best-selling on the largest market in Asia, as reported by Euromonitor International. In the meantime, Italy increases again, at least according to ISTAT data, with a value trend of +7.9% (40.8 million euros).
On the volume front, on the other hand, Chile has become the leading supplier, overtaking Australia and France, despite a drop in Chinese imports, again in the first quarter of 2019, of -20%, with a consequent fall in value of -15%. Important steps backwards, but China remains the destination of choice for the future for those who produce wine and not only: the forecasts for 2022, in fact, speak of a growth in alcohol consumption at the rate of +10.1% per year, with the wine market that weighs, and will continue to weigh, for 18.4%, with an overall growth of 74% in two decades.
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