Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

“Italia Olivicola” created to bring together 250.000 producers, half of the Italian olive growers

Dramatic forecasts for the 2018-2019 harvest: 50% less production in Italy, just over 215.000 tons of oil
In Italia otre 500 diverse cultivar di olive

The giant “Italia Olivicola” has been created in one of the worst years ever for Italian olive oil. It is the first organization dedicated to Italian olive growing and is the result of the merger between the National Consortium of Olive Growers (CNO) and the National Union of Olive Producers (UNASCO), which unites 250.000 producers; i.e., half of the Italian olive growers from 15 regions in Italy. Production forecasts for the year 2018-2019, are worse than those already not at all encouraging ones from the Italian agri food markets institute, ISMEA, that speak of a 38% drop compared to last year. Due to bad weather conditions, phytosanitary emergencies and parasite attacks, Italia Olivicola foresees a production of just over 215.000 tons of oil in Italy, 50% less than last year’s 430.000 tons.

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