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Italian wine in the world, China in great growth: James Suckling's reflections at WineNews

“Brunello, Barolo and Alto Adige are the great classics in vogue, but watch out for Etna and Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the rescue of Amarone in Asia”
James Suckling interviewed by WineNews

China will be the first world wine market in the next 5 years, the wines of Etna and Friuli Venezia Giulia on the launching pad, alongside great classics such as Brunello di Montalcino and Barolo among the reds, and Alto Adige among whites, with the possible revival of Amarone Della Valpolicella, and a reflection on the still enormous gap between the prices of Italian and French wines. These are some of the ideas launched by James Suckling, one of the most followed voices of international wine criticism, especially in Asia, but not only, interviewed by WineNews. “China is already the world's No. 2 market for wine, and in my opinion - says Suckling - in five years, it will be No. 1. It is already the most important market for Australian, Chilean and Bordeaux wines. And there is so much potential for Italian wines, there is good communication, but also so much to do. A market, however, where at least in terms of communication, it seems to win more the model of the “New World”, more tied to the vines, than the European one, focused on the denominations. “Which are important, but when we talk too much about Doc and Docg, Asians are lost. The most important thing is still to communicate the brand of the great Italian wines, then we can talk about the denominations”. Moreover, with an Italian wine that has a huge value gap with the French one, with bottles from the Belpaese that, according to average estimates in exports, per bottle, travels on 5-6 euros on average, while that on the other side flies about 15-16 euros. “A difference that is not right, and this happens only because the greatest French wines are much more expensive than the great Italian wines: it is not a question of quality, but only of image and reputation in the market. French wines have been working for 200 years and more on this, in Italy perhaps we have been working on it for 20 years, it is only here that there is a difference”. The important thing is to be present on the markets, and in this sense the tool for promoting the Ocm Vino in third countries, the critic stresses, is important. “It is a tool that works well because it helps producers who want to go to the world, which is essential, even to know what is happening outside the Italian market. Because communication via the internet, via social media, helps, it is important, but it is even more important to travel, be present on the markets, know and be known ”.

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