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Made in Italy is product (high quality), lifestyle (appealing) and emotions (perception)

CENSIS research for #IoStocolMadeinItaly. Giulio De Rita: “foreigners have a much higher opinion of Italy than Italians”
Made in Italy: product, lifestyle and emotions, according to CENSIS

Italy is an extraordinary country. It produces excellence in all fields (wine and food in the lead), which is why it is loved the world over. However, it is also the country that has the lowest consideration of itself and its qualities, compared to the perception that the world has towards Italy. These are the results of a study that the Italian research center for social studies, CENSIS, conducted. The study has been presented in Rome by Giulio de Rita, as part of the program, #IoStocolMadeinItaly, that Luca Gallinella, the president of the Agriculture Commission in the Chamber of Deputies, and the massmediologist, Klaus Davi, organized.
“We asked foreigners on the most important world markets for Italy, that is, the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Japan and South America, exactly what Made in Italy meant to them. The three key concepts that emerged were, “lifestyle”, “product” and “emotions”, explained De Rita. These three concepts are perfectly represented in the excellent wine and food Made in Italy products, which characterize a lifestyle based on sharing experiences and emotions. “Especially”, De Rita explained, “on the subject of the “product”, according to foreigners, what matters most is quality (30%), then beauty (29%), which is ahead of authenticity (23%) and evocative power (18%).
When talking about “lifestyle” in relation to Made in Italy, foreigners mostly linked it to appeal (42%) and beauty (38%), while when we refer to the experience of an emotion, this is indicated mainly as something linked to feelings (45%), then to training (25%), or also as something that is culturally enriching. “Moreover”, De Rita explained to WineNews”, we are not exaggerating by saying that Italy is able to teach, if it has not already taught the world, to drink wine while paying attention to quality and moderation, and drink it together with meals”. It is not surprising, then, that this model of consumption brings together excellent products, a lifestyle and the emotion of sharing. In a nutshell, this is the sense of Made in Italy.

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